Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Holy Communion shared at All Nations Church, Cameroon

What does it mean to break bread together?
The bread if the body of Christ that provides food for a hungry world, a world which produces much yet goes hungry. A workd that has appetite for everything else except the real bread of life. As Christ said, who ever does not eat of this bread is not part of the body of Christ, or born again christians.
The wine is the blood that flows from the wounded body on Calvary's Cross. It is the drink that quenches all thirst. Lots of people swim in oceans of sin, sail rivers of shame and navigate the waters of death, but have not tested the blood of Christ. The Blood will blot your sins and quench your thirst.
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CLimate change will risrupt the resonance of nature

This is a Cameroonian boy. Do you enjoy the boy, the birds and the green scenery? What if this cycle was destroyed?
Lots of people don't realise what it will cost 3/4 of Cameroonians living in rural areas if society continues the unbriddled distruction of nature. While many sites in rural reas remain intact from the global mobilizations against a change in human behavior regarding the climate, in most rural areas, little or nothing is known about what exactly is happening to our planet. This negligence of the greater part of our peoples raises a number of questions
1. Can we compare the level of climate change between rural and urban areas?
While urban areas are the principal cause of global warming, rural areas bare the highest consequences due to a. lack of health care, b. lack of sentization, c. lack of alternatives due to poverty, d. paying for the errors of town dwellers. Town dwellers make the destruction while rural dwellers pay for them.
2. What do rural dwellers get from sustainable development projects?
Little or nothing. Projects are handled by administrative bottle necks who fake reports, exagerate figures and swinddle funds. Besides, when natural resources are exploited from an area, aren't the population of the area to benefit from the outcome. Paying development dividents to governments does not in many cases benefit the local population. Paying to rural councils and setting up checks for funds use will enhance environmental protection
3. Are rural areas undergoing greater destruction that urban areas?
Not necessarily. All the big vehicles, appliances, factories and waste are found in towns. However, rural areas are more likely to destroy the ecosystem through poaching, undevelopmental farming, bush burning and forest destruction.
4. Are rural dwellers 'naturally environmentally friendly'?
No. No one is environmentally friendly by nature, because we have not always been informed of the risk our planet runs. It is thanks to progress in research that we now know that there is destruction, the level of destruction, disappearing species and what we can do to stop it. Whan we know that even in urban areas, many people do not know about the effects of climate change or that those who know do not take any action, how much more of rural areas?

In all, we must take the campaign against climate change to rural areas, while putting pressure on economic and political actors to extend dividents of sustainable development to those who pay more.
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Friday, February 1, 2008

my four core values

I lived for a long time without specific values. However, I now have four core values
1. Integraity: I am what I say I am. I keep my promises
2. Leadership: I am not too chocked with the present, I plan for tomorrow
3. Synegy: I partner with people for specific goals
4. Spirituality: I never trade my faith for anything